Coaching Women Artists & Entrepreneurs


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About this Service

"With this coaching work, now there is a lot more breathing room. The clutter of entanglements pulling me has been cleared up. My studio practice is back on track."
S.B., New York, NY

"What was most helpful to me was how coaching works with the body as well as the concrete goal-setting and structured homework. I now have a much better idea of what I want to make. I feel much better about myself as an artist. Coaching with Nancy has been worth the investment! This is life-changing work!"
E.B., Concord, NH

"It's incredible to look back and see the massive changes and growth working with Nancy has provided me. I have become worlds more self-realized and my practice has elevated to a level I wasn't sure I would ever achieve."
M.D., Seattle, WA

Hello! I'm Nancy Murphy Spicer.
I coach women artists and entrepreneurs
to claim their most authentic expression
and make it powerfully visible in the world.

Coaching is a series of
transformational conversations.
You’ll experience the change
that is possible with
deep listening,
powerful questions,
and enlivening challenges
that will inspire you to clarity and action.

I work with women who are seeking change
and are ready to invest in themselves
and their future.

If you think this might be you,
click my website link below and
BOOK a FREE 45-Minute Coaching Session.
You are sure to learn something
about yourself and come away
with a new commitment
to your own growth and fulfillment.
And we can see if we are a good match
as coach and client.

I look forward to coaching you!

Nancy Murphy Spicer
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Artist Coach
Host of Women Artists Connect network
Creator of the BUILD Your Studio Practice course

About this Lister

Nancy Murphy Spicer is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with over 800 hours of coaching experience and rigorous training with the most respected coaching organization in the world, Co-active Training Institute (CTI) in London. In coaching individuals and with her teaching, Nancy combines her innate gifts around visioning and planning with her rich array of coaching skills developed through CTI training and her years of running a coaching business in England and the United States.

Murphy Spicer is a professional artist, creating and exhibiting her work for the past 25 years in the US and internationally. She currently teaches at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has also taught at Virginia Commonwealth University, and the University of the West of England.

Murphy Spicer hosts the Women Artists Connect network as a gathering place for ongoing conversation. She also created the BUILD Your Studio Practice, a powerful course which supports women artists in building strong and resonant practices.

Previous to teaching, she ran a successful graphic design firm for many years in Boston, Massachusetts, working with clients in healthcare, education, and the arts.

What Clients Say

"From the start Nancy helped me to identify the key concerns of my artistic quest which I hadn't ever articulated before. I actually don't know how she did this for it felt very natural (she has a light touch!) and yet I'd never heard myself articulate so clearly my intentions before. This laid the foundations for me to make bolder claims for my work.

Nancy is an exceptional artist and this, I believe, makes her an exceptional coach. I would recommend her to anyone who is making new ground, or pursuing their own particular pathway or wants to do this but feels stuck. Working with Nancy has been, and continues to be both rewarding and an enormous pleasure."
T.B., London, UK

"Before coaching with Nancy, I was directionless, unfocused, and uninspired.

Working with Nancy has helped me discover the parts of myself that feel essential to fully committing and believing in my ability and future in the field of art. It's incredible to look back and see the massive changes and growth working with Nancy has provided me. I have become worlds more self-realized and my practice has elevated to a level I wasn't sure I would ever achieve. I am grateful to have both an amazing coach and mentor in Nancy. This coaching has been an essential, important investment in my commitment to and the direction of my career."
M.D., Seattle, WA

"Nancy has a remarkable capacity for what I call radical listening, listening to what's said--and also what's unsaid. She is deeply intuitive and asks incisive yet gentle questions that get at the root of obstacles and issues. She also knows how to encourage new ways of framing situations."
J.A., Charlottesville, VA

“Nancy is an amazing facilitator. I have been particularly surprised by the amount of self-discovery in the sessions and how that can feed into creating work. Nancy is very present with me in our coaching sessions and has the courage to go anywhere they take us. It has been great to work with a coach who is so uninhibited. And I am grateful for the sense that I have done the work myself.”
S.M., Bath, UK

“As a result of coaching, I feel more clear about my direction and have learned that I can actually get through the muck & mud when I hold my goal out in front of me, remembering daily that I am working toward something far beyond the smaller steps and daily grind. Nancy is a fantastic coach! I feel I have been heard and heard and heard. She is able to keep me focused and on-track.”
H.J., Nashua, NH

“Before coaching, I was unhappy with where I was as an artist but not really clear on how to proceed. I just knew that a change had to happen.

Nancy seems to get to the underlying heart of the matter. She is very aware when something is not working for me and to go in a new direction. I love the idea of co-creating a new perspective with Nancy on my side. She is able to help me see things differently so I can react differently.

I am discovering what a gift it is to look within instead of outside of myself for solutions. I am learning to trust myself and really getting to know myself on a deeper level. Through the coaching, I am also discovering that I really like who I am and I can rely on this person (me) for everything.

I feel good about the investment I am making in coaching. The intangible qualities of the coaching sessions are really the most important. Nancy is not about simple answers. Instead, she provides something much more important: a way of being that I can always work with no matter what the issue is. Through working with her, I am learning tools that enable me to be my own guidance now and going forward."
L.K., Maine

My challenge was pinning myself down on what I really wanted to do. I had some ideas but I never acted on them. I procrastinate a lot and that’s something that frustrates me.

With the coaching, I think by externalizing what had been going around in my head for quite some time to someone I didn’t know has given me confidence to try other things and not to hold back. I realize that if I want to change my life or do things I’ve never done before the only person stopping me from doing that is myself!! So now if I fancy joining a new activity, I just go for it and don’t wait for others to dictate what I do. It is very liberating!

I feel that by allowing myself to be myself, it has helped me to give more to others and generally to feel more calm and face up to life’s challenges.

Coaching with Nancy was a positive experience. I urge others to try it.
C.C., London, UK

"Before getting coaching, I was going through a particularly difficult time, frustrated with many aspects of my life, both professional and personal. I was in mid-life change phase and contemplating making some changes but feeling quite confused.

At first, I really didn't know what coaching would be like. I am surprised by the depth of listening, the depth of compassion, the depth of the work and at how easy it can be to do it. I liked the twice monthly sessions and the homework assignments in between. I was happily surprised to be brought into a state of compassion and self-love on a regular basis. I loved the use of metaphor as a guide and the way each session would make use of whatever was arising in the moment, without losing a connective thread.

Coaching is about facilitating one’s magnificence to come forward. It's about being ourselves in as full a way as possible. There are many strategies in service to this purpose and they are endlessly creative. It's like a great improvisation. As a coach, Nancy is really skilled in this improvisation. She is a great listener and helped me listen to myself. She promotes this deep listening. Nancy also challenged me in good ways. She created a safe space for my magnificence, authenticity, and integrity to come forward."
B.J., Cambridge, MA

What was most helpful to me was how coaching works with the body, as well as the concrete goal-setting and structured homework. And also, just talking with Nancy!

I have moved from just taking classes with no clear direction of where I wanted to go with my art to having an organized and functional studio, a "way in" to any given art-making session, and a much better idea of what I want make, and do with what I make. I feel much better about myself as an artist and have stepped away from asking objective judgment question about my art like, "Is it good?" Instead I've learned to ask, "Is it doing what I intended?" and if not, how to shift that?

Coaching with Nancy has been worth the investment! This is life-changing work!
E.B., Concord, NH

Background and Expertise

I have been a professional artist for 25 years making and showing my work in the US and EU.
I am also a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with 800+ hours of experience working with women artists and entrepreneurs.


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