Refund Policy

Updated on June 3, 2024

We do not refund posting fees for any listing that we have determined: is represented by or associated with NYC real estate professionals (brokers, property managers, developers), is represented by a third-party, or involves any sort of broker fee.

For all other listing fees: You can request a credit for a listing that was not run in a Listings Project newsletter. If approved, the credit issued will be a coupon equal to the amount paid for your listing. The coupon will be valid for one year.

You have 30 calendar days from the date of your listing submission to request a credit. Send credit requests to Once you request a credit, we will notify you within 48 hours regarding the status of your request.

The following are some reasons in which credit requests are not approved:

For Premium Membership Fees: Premium Membership fees are not refundable and are final upon payment. No refunds will be available after we have received payment instructions from you. In the event the Premium Membership fee is refunded or we are unable to process your payment within a reasonable time as determined at our sole discretion, the Premium Membership will be converted into the Free Membership level immediately. Please review full Membership Terms and Conditions here.

All policies are subject to change without prior notification. If you have any questions, please email

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