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Services Offered

Meet our Services Offered Listers

By Nicole Daniels
July 11, 2023

Our Listings Project community is made up of artists, activists, educators, body workers, artisans, chefs, voiceover artists, graphic designers, tutors, astrologists and more. When we surveyed our dynamic and ever-evolving community in 2020, we found how many of you offer services as dog walkers, tutors, massage therapists, contractors, babysitters and more. We decided to respond to the needs of that community by creating a dedicated Services Offered section of our weekly email and website.

Who Makes Up Our Community

In this article, we draw back the curtain and introduce you to some of the listers who share their services with the Listings Project community. To start off, check out some video interviews we did with our Services Offered listers.

As you browse our services offered by listers, you might find Michal’s “Mending Word”,  a creative grief writing workshop, that gives space for people to “connect in a raw and honest way” around grief and loss. Michal emphasizes: “ugly tears and dark humor welcome.” Or Wolfe’s speech and communication coaching that strives to help people become “more confident, engaging, and influential communicators.” It was from helping out at their parents’ hair salon that they first learned about the importance of  “​​clear and concise communication, especially when people’s locks were on the chopping block.”

Dressler Parsons, a singer-songwriter, started as a lister who found all three of her apartments through Listings Project, but now she’s offering custom song writing for special occasions. Dressler turned to Listings Project for her listing because… “it’s such a dynamic community of warm, creative people, and I’d be honored to capture their special moments in a custom song.”

Similarly, in the world of music, listers looking for voice lessons might turn to Zeniba Now, who offers coaching services with an emphasis on pop vocals. Zeniba is new to Services Offered, but turned to Listings Project as she was transitioning from word of mouth to find clients to strategies for reaching a larger community.

Zeniba Now

Photo by Zeniba Now

Laurie Freyer, a small business consultant, shared this about her experience listing her service over the past year: “I've met a fantastic community of clients through Listings Project. Before ever speaking, there is already an established respect for creativity from both parties. I also recently hired my first employee from here - I found the perfect person and met many more qualified and interesting applicants that I will likely connect with in the future.” 

Lori Singer, a first time lister and massage therapist in Manhattan, said  in just the first week she’s “already been introduced to like-minded entrepreneurs…having a community to grow with is priceless.”

Wes Carnes, a carpenter and leather worker, is offering renovation services in New York City and shared this when writing to us: “I’m responding to your email while sitting in an apartment we found last fall through Listings Project. The owner is wonderful, and I have been able to do some small repairs to her place as well.”

Lexa Walsh

Photo by Lexa Walsh

Rishabh previously designed for Prada, Comme does garçons and Brioni, and now designs custom clothing and offers tailoring services, and Leslie is “a Korean-American full-time classical pianist and software engineer” who offers photography services on the weekend. Lexa is a personal chef in Upstate New York who also happens to be the youngest in a family of 15. Those early experiences around the dinner table have made her “live for when the table becomes a place of conversation and exchange.”

On that note, we welcome you all, Services Offered listers old and new, to our virtual table and to our strong, skilled and generous community of listers. We hope that Services Offered is a place where you find clients, or services, but more importantly, where you make meaningful connections.

Photo by Stephanie Diamond

Nicole Daniels (she/her) was a Listings Project blog writer. Prior to her Listings Project days, she was a staff editor at The New York Times Learning Network, as well as a researcher and curriculum writer at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

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