Looking to for a room in an existing apartment

Seeking Living Space


Upper West Side, Mid town, Chelsea, new york


October 20, 2024

Hi, I am looking for a long-term rental in preferably a furnished apartment. My price range is between $1500 - $2000 per month. I am a professional female originally from Australia and moved to NYC in 2018. I have been leaving in a shared apartment on the UWS for the last 5 years but my land lady just passed away and they are selling the apartment, so I need to move :(. I like the UWS and ideally would like to find a place here but am open to other areas in the city especially Chelsea and SOHO and others. I am tidy and respectful. My ideal roommate is a lovely and respectful person too and ideally would like to share with another female.

About This Lister

I am a warm and friendly person. I am the Chief of Staff at a not for profit in NYC and I am Australian. I am very friendly and warm. I like to go out a fair bit and try to travel as much as I can but also really need my down time.


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